October 05, 2012
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N A N A B I 七 火

Well I think I answered a lot of basic things you guys need to know about it XD I'm sorry if I sound boring and uninteresting, but I hope you all enjoy my blog anyway! Although I'll excuse myself when I sometimes spazz and fangirl over something (= w =)" Thank you for visiting my blog! I might update this section every now and then. But knowing how lazy I am, yeah that won't happen any time soon XD

Hello there!
Welcome to the About Me section !
Before anything else, I'd like to formally introduce myself, the name's Bea. Everything starts with your name right? I'm 15 years old and just your average highschool student who goes to a regular school with ordinary classmates \( o w o)/ In general, I'm an OTAKU, an amateur cosplayer and a big dork when it comes to games. I can't really say what kind of girl I am, but I'm in between girly-girlish and girly-boyish. But I think my personal style wouldn't really matter here XD Alright, let's start this get-to-know-me post!
Name: Bea
Aliases: NANABI七 火 , Bee Legurine
Age: 15
Birthday: May 23
Country: Philippines
Nationality: Filipino
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Favorite Color/s: Purple, Pink and Silver
Favorite Food: Italian, Japanese and Mexican
Favorite Drink: Fruit Juices/Shakes and Milk
Favorite Singer/s: Miyano Mamoru (Japanese) Sarah Geronimo (Filipino)
Favorite Band/s: Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Hobbies: Writing, Reading, Dancing Listening to music, Graphic making, Admiring cosplay photos, Scrapbooking, Crafting, Photography, SLEEPING ;D
Interests: Cosplay, Anime & Manga, Music, Books, Food, Travelling
Admired Cosplayers: Yuegene Fay, Reika & Calssara
Admired Cosplay Groups: Supa Mame, Tuxedo Team
Favorite Anime Serieses: Fushigi Yuugi, Kuroshitsuji, Vampire Knight, Ayashi No Ceres, Yu-Gi-Oh
Favorite Mangaka: Watase Yuu
Currently Read Mangas: Barajou No Kiss, Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden, Mei-chan No Shitsugi
Favorite J-Music: VOCALOID tracks, Nico Nico Douga covers
Favorite J-Band: GazettE
Favorite J-Singer/s: Miyano Mamoru, Nami Tamaki, Konno Yukari, Megumi Hayashibara
The real me!
Quickly shield your eyes 8D
Q: When did you start take interest in Anime and Manga?
A: Honestly I already began my love for anime when I was still a kid! I'd say around 4-5 years old. I can still remember the anime "Bubu Chacha" as the first anime I ever saw when I was still younger. Ever since then, the rest of my addiction to anime just started there.
Q: What's your favorite kind of Anime or Manga?
A: I usually prefer ROMANCE. I'm a big geek when it comes to love stories and plots, although I don't really like overly cheezy romance though. I also like anime/manga filled with adventure and a little mystery, I kind of like plot changing during the whole series, it gives more thrill to the story and makes me want to continue reading it. Of course, no anime/manga would be complete without a hint of COMEDY in it.
Q: The groups that you participate in, DANCEROID and TAKO MAKO, when did you join and what's your status on both groups?
A: Tako Mako- This is a group I have actively participated in since 2011. It's actually a little cosplay group in my city that's composed of me and my closest friends. We're practically just a bunch of friends goofing off and spread our love for VOCALOID and cosplay. I'm very active with my Tako Mako family, usually when we all plan to attend an event or shoot for a new live action.
DANCEROID- I just recently participated with Danceroid Philippines. I have yet to actually perform on stage along with my fellow danceroids. For now, I'm not that active with this group, but I'm pretty sure in the future I will be!
Q: When did you start cosplaying? Who was the first character your cosplayed?
A: I started cosplaying just two years ago, so that's around 2010. The first character I ever cosplayed was Taiwan of Axis Power Hetalia. I pretty much plan to redo the cosplay and improve it!
Q: What games do you play and what consoles do you usually play on?
A: Well I have a long history with online games LOL. Believe it or not I reached the era where it was just PLAYSTATION 1 haha! And of course as the years pass by, I play on a few other consoles like Xbox and the newer versions of playstation. The game I'm really currently into is League of Legends, it's a PC game that's all the rage right now haha! I've played FLYFF Online, RAN Online, Tantra, Perfect World and Dragon Nest. But unlike before, I'm more addicted on League of Legends than the past online games I used to play XD
Q: When and how did you start your love for VOCALOID?
A: This question. Haha! Well I think it started 2 years ago again, or 3 years ago can't really say, but during those years I was a little oblivious with VOCALOID. First of all, I heard a few Miku Hatsune songs they were nice, but when I heard JUST BE FRIENDS by Luka Megurine, hands down I fell in love with VOCALOID. Out of all the vocaloid characters, it wasn't Miku who lured me in, it was Luka ♥
Honestly speaking I love VOCALOID because of the messages in their songs. I love the fact they have stories and dominant of their songs can be related to real life experiences. I think what made me like them more is because their songs are the kind that you can put yourself in the character's shoes and feel what they feel in the song. I think their songs are very inspirational and they hold a lot of great messages that are well appreciated by fans all over the world.

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