This section is going to be all about one of the active groups I'm participating. Tako Mako is just a little group from the Philippines that started roughly, just a year ago. The group is basically composed of close friends who share the same common interests and decided to just one day make a live action. With the creation of their first live action, the team was basically formed out of the two day shoot they had. Pretty much, a lot of my friends in the group are random and just crazy. (LIKE ME 8D)
Alright, so the team was officially formed on June 3, 2011. We've been moving forward since then and have been continuing our journey. I can say that the team didn't start out with happy pasts, but the past has been overshadowed by success and new memorable experiences. All in all the original members of Tako Mako are only made up of a total of 6 people. But as time progresses, the TM family is slowly growing as well.
Speaking of ice cream 8D
Let's continue this entry by getting to know the members who compose the team!
Gumi is portrayed by our good friend NODA. In the group, NODA usually is the one who directs and edits our live actions. But putting that aside, she's a talented artist who does both digital and traditional art. She has a very perky and energetic attitude and is often positive even in the most negative situations. Although of course, like everyone else in the team, NODA has her fair share of being lazy. Currently, NODA is studying in the US to pursue her passion for animation and her desire to improve her skills.
Luka Megurine is portrayed by Bee. As I stated in my about me entry, "Bee Legurine" is one of the aliases I go by. Basically I'm the youngest in the group and as people tell me, I have a very bubbly personality. I'm a huge VOCALOID dork and I'm constantly get my hands on Nico Nico Douga covers. I'm basically just a member of the group who takes the role of Luka when it's her turn to be released. Currently, I'm still attending high school but will be moving on to college in one year's time.
Len Kagamine is portrayed by Kitsune. This person is actually one of the senior members even if she doesn't appear to be. Kitsune specializes in crossplay and rarely cosplays, although she has big strong points when it comes to doing song covers and pv animation. Kitsune often has a very goofy personality when she's with us, but when it's time to be serious, she can turn into a different person. For now, she's pursuing her course and taking her responsibilities in priority as of now.
Rin Kagamine is portrayed by our very fierce friend Funi. She's very outspoken and straight-forward, of course you wouldn't want to be on her bad side, not unless you value your life. But don't let the strong personality scare you away, this gal is a hardcore YAOI fan. I can assure you once the green jokes about yaoi start, it will never end. Just like the Kagamine twins, Funi and Kitsune are close friends, these two make an unbeatable duo when they work together. Of course, Kitsune always ends up the one being hurt in the process whenever their plotting something.
Miku Hatsune is portrayed by Mimi. She's the petite one the group, and also the soft-spoken one among us. Although she has the "kawaii" factor that makes up for her shy attitude. Mimi often helps with the shoot locations when the team is on a project. She has a big weakness when it comes to cute items and of course, when Bee would often tempt her to buy an item she knows that would get her attention.
NAPI is one of the behind-the-scenes member of the team. For now, he isn't portraying any specific vocaloid in the group. But this guy is our awesome cameraman and often helps us out when we're on location. NAPI is NODA's special person to be exact, they're the only couple we have in the team. This guy is filled with funny jokes that would leave you rolling on the floor dead. He's working as an engineer right now and is working hard!
Below are the live actions done by the team
*Click on the photo to see the video
Labels: cosplay, group, live action, philippines, tako mako