"Have you ever wondered how a circus is made?"

Hello my dear readers,
I decided to post my first song review just to get into the whole Halloween spirit. Even though it was yesterday, but better late than never right? It is quite known that there are numerous VOCALOID songs that are in the "darker" side. Let's admit it, not all vocaloid songs are happy. One of my favorites among their dark songs is the ever famous "Dark Woods Circus" the third installment of a dark series composed by Machigeriita-P. The story of her series is pretty deep, so expect massive nosebleeding ~ this entry might enlighten you on the story behind the Dark Woods Circus. Listen to the song and read this entry at your own risk. ;D


Alright my dear audience, let's take a little ride into the Dark Woods Circus ♥

I'll start off with the basic fact that this song comes after "Wide Knowledge of Insanity" or other known as "Knowledge of the Late Madness". DWC is basically the aftermath when Miku, along with the other vocaloids, were captured and forcibly deformed so that they can be given to the circus. The song features the mixed emotions of the circus performers, both their happy and grieving sides. Though the series revolves on Miku's perspective.

Now, DWC is actually based on REALITY yes, it means the song reflected an event in history where people were forcibly deformed and thrown into a circus to become an attraction. Creepy ain't it? But the era DWC is based in is in the Edo era of Japan. Back then, the main target for circus performers were usually young children, whom they often kidnap. 

Frankly speaking people take interest in "freaks" or something that looks unusual and in general, the circus not only has performers but we can't deny that some have their "main attractions". What makes the song and its story a bit more darker is with the fact that these people leading the circus kidnap children and DEFORM THEM. Further explanation of this scenario is in the song "Knowledge of the Late Madness".  

In the song, Machigeriita-P used the terms "fruit", "flower"  and "acid", the art also portrays a sort of flower-like "tattoo" on some of the circus performers. I'll explain what they symbolize.

Fruit - An apple is shown in the video of the song. It symbolizes the beauty and appearance of the children before they were deformed. You can see at the end of the video how Miku and the rest were a normal group of friends.

Acid - There is a part in the song where Miku sings about rotting flesh due to acid. This actually symbolizes that the children who disobeyed were punished by pouring acid on their faces. This was actually practiced before in the Edo period of Japan. Miku, Kaito and Len have signs of acid being poured on them due to the flower-patterns on their faces. 

Flower - This symbolizes the scars of the circus performers. As seen in the video, Miku has a large flower-like pattern on her face, it is proof that she was punished and so was Len. Kaito also shows minimal signs of scars on his face. 

I'll explain briefly what happened to the vocaloids when they were placed in the circus. This can also bring more light on what happened to them when they were in the "deformity" process

Kaito - "The One Who Eats Things Cold" Kaito was made insane and turned into a cannibal. He became ruthless and hungered for human flesh. That is why he has a straight-jacket on to keep him contained. In the video, Kaito is served human limbs to eat on.

Len & Rin - "Two Heads and One Body" They were twins that were deformed into Siamese twins. In general, back the in the old days, Siamese twins were one of the biggest attractions in circuses. Mainly because for their joined bodies. 

Miku - "The Deformed Diva" She was deformed into part animal, thus explaining her goat legs. Not only that, she also became the main attraction by singing songs for the audience. 

Haku & Neru - These two weren't formally given titles, but they portrayed circus members who had abnormality in height. This explains why both of them are freakishly tall in the video. 

Meiko - There is a debate on whether Meiko is the child or the woman in the red dress, but let's just say she's the child. Meiko represents the innocence and curiosity of young children whenever they see the circus. She also represents how children were easily kidnapped and vulnerable when they were deceived by the circus performers. 

Well I hope you all enjoyed indulging yourselves on the hidden secrets in the song. Makes you think twice on how circus life was for other people doesn't it? 

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