Anime Review: Amnesia Episode 3
February 03, 2013
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Anime Review
Episode 3
"Dreams and Reality?"
Excuse me while I sulk from this very heart-breaking episode for those who are supporters of Team Shin as well. Honestly speaking, I haven't went "NOOOO" for so long already, it feels refreshing that this anime really got me at the edge of my seat. LOL
Onward to the review~
Featured Characters

Right, until now we don't have a name for the heroine. But apparently this episode gave us a hint of Shin's route in the story. I believe if you are Team Shin (Like me hehe) this episode will give more insight about his history with the heroine.
We know in episode 2 they gave us an ending when Shin kissed the heroine on her hospital bed. Episode 3 is the continuation of that scenario. Apparently the heroine was back to August 1st, and in the first few minutes of the episode you can see that Shin discovers the heroine had amnesia. One thing I noticed about Shin's character is that he's SHARP, very sharp. Out of all the boys, he was the first to figure out that the heroine lost her memories.
So, we have gained a lot of new information on this episode! Let's review them one by one and try to see if we can decipher what's going on.
First, Shin and the Heroine have been dating for 3 months
*insert fangirl squeal* So for the supporters of Team Shin, that's great news and horrible news to the others who prefer the other boys. -shot- Since Shin caught the heroine trying to match his story when he visited her house, he decides to help her regain her memories by telling her about their history and bringing her to their school.
Second, the Heroine goes to the same school as Shin, wherein she's in college and Shin is her junior.
So with this information, we can now say that the Heroine is older than Shin. (go figure, I was expecting the heroine to be the youngest)
We know in episode 2 they gave us an ending when Shin kissed the heroine on her hospital bed. Episode 3 is the continuation of that scenario. Apparently the heroine was back to August 1st, and in the first few minutes of the episode you can see that Shin discovers the heroine had amnesia. One thing I noticed about Shin's character is that he's SHARP, very sharp. Out of all the boys, he was the first to figure out that the heroine lost her memories.
So, we have gained a lot of new information on this episode! Let's review them one by one and try to see if we can decipher what's going on.
First, Shin and the Heroine have been dating for 3 months
*insert fangirl squeal* So for the supporters of Team Shin, that's great news and horrible news to the others who prefer the other boys. -shot- Since Shin caught the heroine trying to match his story when he visited her house, he decides to help her regain her memories by telling her about their history and bringing her to their school.
Second, the Heroine goes to the same school as Shin, wherein she's in college and Shin is her junior.
So with this information, we can now say that the Heroine is older than Shin. (go figure, I was expecting the heroine to be the youngest)
Third, the Heroine has a talent in singing. She's a vocalist in their school.
This kind of caught me off guard because the Heroine doesn't look like the usual "Oh hi I'm a singer" kind of character. Although I think it's a pretty cute trait that gives her more depth because she's already very shy in the first place.
Now, Shin brought the Heroine to the music room. He soon starts to tell her how they met and how they began dating. Shin tells her that he confessed to her in the music room and that was also where they had their first kiss. KYAHAHAHA OMG YEY -slapped-
Shin already kissed her in the hospital... but sad to say in this episode he was rejected.. noooo SHIN!!! ; A;
This kind of caught me off guard because the Heroine doesn't look like the usual "Oh hi I'm a singer" kind of character. Although I think it's a pretty cute trait that gives her more depth because she's already very shy in the first place.
Now, Shin brought the Heroine to the music room. He soon starts to tell her how they met and how they began dating. Shin tells her that he confessed to her in the music room and that was also where they had their first kiss. KYAHAHAHA OMG YEY -slapped-
Shin already kissed her in the hospital... but sad to say in this episode he was rejected.. noooo SHIN!!! ; A;
Fourth, Toma knows the Heroine has amnesia.
Long story short, since Shin is still a bit shock and hurt that his girlfriend doesn't remember him, he decides to tell Toma; their fellow childhood friend.
Fifth, Waka now has a different personality.
Excuse me while I slam my head on the table. I literally went into a WTF palooza when I saw Waka acting like this guy -points at picture-
You know what else is creepy? Waka almost SOUNDS like Grell. //flipped I may be wrong, but still, maybe Waka and Grell have the same seiyuu. I'd be damned if they had the same seiyuu.
Sixth, Ikki and Kent are NOT working in Meido Cafe
Biggest shocker ain't it? Apparently the ones working in the cafe are the Heroine, Mine, Sawa, Toma and Waka. It's like those two just suddenly disappeared out of nowhere and it was as though the heroine was just dreaming about them instead.
Seventh, The employee trip they had was for them to become closer as co-workers and NOT for the meteor shower.
This episode is really getting me more confused by the second. But that's how Mine and Sawa explained to the Heroine. Seems like it was a trip planned by Waka for the employees, unlike in episode 1 they told her that the trip was made because the Heroine wanted to see the meteor shower.
You know what else makes everything more confusing?
I don't even want to begin on how much mind fudgery was done to me when I figured that out. They weren't kidding when AMNESIA was going to be a psychological anime.
Alright, from what I understand, this major plot twist and route change might be a side-effect because of Orion's tamper with the Heroine's memories. I mean the Heroine meets two people (Ikki and Kent) and the next thing they're gone, and her manager apparently went Grell mode on us with a dash of gay flavor.
Honestly speaking I have no idea if everything in episode 1 was a dream or reality. The heroine keeps shifting to different routes that it's making it REALLY difficult to figure out what's going on. BUT, one character continues to play peek-a-boo with us during every episode.
I don't care if he's part psycho, but Ukyo's just really a sweet guy. who occasionally turns into a psychopath every now and then. I've been thinking about his role for a while now and this is what I thought of.
Ukyo might be the person Orion was suppose to meet when he was travelling through time (or space). But as you can see Orion messed up, thus I'm thinking that Ukyo is there to maybe "guide" the Heroine? in his own very psychopathic way.
I mean if you look at it, in every memory that occurs to the Heroine, he's always there. Like when she fell from the cliff, Ukyo was there. smiling like a deranged murderer holding a flashlight. But that's just my guess guys, don't assume that's the actual plot.
Ukyo makes a brief appearance in this episode where he tells the Heroine something. WHICH I KNOW WAS IMPORTANT. BUT THE STUPID TRAIN TUNED THE SOUND OUT. The irony of it all //kicked
So maybe we'll figure out what he says in the future episodes, but if we don't.. ah fudge it I don't care. //rolls away
This episode ends with Shin and the Heroine sitting on a park bench thinking to myself, hey isn't this easy? ♫ (taylor swift song) //gets kicked to the moon We know that Shin was hesitant about telling what happened to the Heroine during her accident. He soon apologizes to her and tells her it's his fault. (dramatic twist)
But as he reveals this, the Heroine heard Orion's voice; and that's where the episode ends.
Wrapping up this post
Here is my overall understand of what's happening. I think the heroine is going to experience numerous memory routes with the boys individually. Where she will relive every August 1st with each of the boys and experience different memories with them. Can't really say for sure but that's what I'm thinking. Hopefully we get to see Orion again too! I miss that little guy.
Hope you all enjoyed reading this review!
Labels: amnesia, anime, anime review, episode 3, harem, psychological, review