Anime Review: Amnesia Episode 4
February 17, 2013
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Anime Review
Episode 4
"Back to Phase 1?"
I am definitely behind schedule. Really sorry for the delay! Been a busy Bee these past few weeks. But anyway, this episode is like "kyaaaaaaaaaa" factor for those who support Shin. Although in this episode, it will bring a lot of mix feelings!
To the review~!
Featured Characters

New Character
Before anything else I don't like Rika. Enough said.
Let's have a short recap of the Episode 3. So the episode ends when the heroine hears Orion's voice when she was at the park with Shin. In Episode 4, we go to another series of events down Shin's route. But unlike episode 3 that was slapping on numerous facts at us in one sitting, episode 4 goes to a more slower and clearer explanation.
So, Waka's personality is still flipped to a 180 degree angle and there's nothing we can do about it. (一。一;;) On the positive note, Sawa decides to invite everyone to have their own little fireworks display at the park. Since Shin was feeling a bit glum with the Heroine having amnesia, he reasons out that he can't attend. Although he had a change of heart in the end and decided to go.
Again, we see the Heroine and Shin alone in a trail near the park. Coincidentally the trail looked exactly the same like the trail in Shinano where the Heroine originally fell in episode 2. Alright, we remember that the heroine panicked when Shin caught her in episode 2 because she remembered a flashback when Shin said he killed a person a before. But in this episode, it turns out that Shin wanted to take another step forward with their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend; which meant he wanted to spend a night together with her kyahaha //kicked which was the reason why the Heroine suddenly ran and fell from the cliff. Luckily before the heroine could run off and fall again, Shin caught her by the hand and explained everything. Apparently before he started to reenact what happened, he had the intention of letting the heroine remember on how she ended up in the hospital through his actions. which apparently backfired on him //slapped
So before the heroine decides to panic again, Shin takes the calmer approach on her and sits down with her on the steps that leads to the shrine. It was soon revealed in this episode that Shin's father had killed a man which lead him to leave Shin and his mom because he was ashamed of his act.
Looking at the more deeper note, we get to learn more about Shin's life before he became the man he is today. It was already stated that Shin, the Heroine and Toma were childhood friends in episode 1. The relationship these three had, was a key factor that allowed Shin to move on and not turn for the worse because of the bullying and with the constant misjudgment of the children around him when he was younger. Shin soon admits that he is very grateful for the Heroine, that because of her, he was able to be happy and you know what made this confession more heartwarming?
It was when Shin THANKED the Heroine. alkdjaklsaskl -insert fangirl spazz here- He thanked her for always being there and he also admits that if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have been this happy. Talk about major kyaaaa fest //flips self
Shin definitely showed that he was determined to make things work between him and the Heroine, despite the fact she had amnesia. I really developed a fondness for Shin's character, seeing him not ready to give up on their relationship and doing the best he can to help the Heroine is just really ... OMFGYOURLIKETHESWEETESTGUYEVERRRRRR //pukes rainbows :D
Let's now move on to my FAVORITE PART in the whole episode 8DDD
The heroine needs to learn how to close her eyes when a guy is kissing her. SERIOUSLY. XD
Before anything else, Toma left those two alone and went on ahead since he knew they had a problem they needed to fix. As usual, Toma states that he's being a big brother by leaving the two alone to solve it themselves. Though I get the feeling he just wanted to give those two some private time alone hurdurdur GOOD CHOICE TOMA! //kicked to the moon
With the misunderstandings cleared out, the heroine and Shin share a kiss at the park. OMFG EXCUSE ME WHILE I SPAZZ FOREVER. //SLAMS HEAD ON DESK This was also super sweet since Shin shows off his cool and very smexy side when he tells the Heroine to prepare herself because he won't tell her when he'll kiss her. -insert super mega squealing here-
*cough* Right. So after the super kyaaa worthy scene between Shin and the Heroine, Shin walks her home.
Although THIS HAD TO HAPPEN. //flips the world
You've got to be kidding me. She gets herself into ANOTHER accident Σ(-`Д´-ノ;)ノ
Well thank heavens the Heroine is alright! But now she in another timeline, this time it's going to Ikki's route. Apparently she found herself back to August 1 again, BUT LUCKILY SHE DIDN'T FORGET WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN HER AND SHIN. I'd be damned if she forgot and she had to start over again.
And ta-da~ we are now entering Ikki's route! So the Heroine, wakes up in her room where she receives a call from Ikki that he'll be coming over her house. As the Heroine checks her journal, her entries about her experiences with Shin were no where to be found. Which is probably the effect of her going back in time again and starting over in August 1. The episode ends when Ikki gives his signature flirty pick-up lines stating that he will do anything the heroine wishes. EVEN IF IT'S SOMETHING SEXUAL //kicked to the moon
Since we are entering Ikki's route, we're going back to phase 1 people. As I stated in my past review of episode 3, I think the anime really is going to each of the boy's route. So expect the routes of Toma, Kent and possibly Ukyo's too. For God knows what else will happen in the future episodes, but to be honest I'm pretty excited to see them!
Oh and you will see -her- in the end of the episode >_>
ps. I got really lazy to take screencaps so I got the pictures from Angry Anime Bitches C: check them out! They are also covering a lot of others animes too!
Labels: amnesia, anime, anime review, harem, mystery, otome, review, romance